How to change default nvim directory

Fist time:

  • change global var to new dirs:

XDG_CONFIG_HOME change to something like ~/test/
XDG_DATA_HOME change to something like ~/test/local
mkdir -p ~/test/{local,nvim} for create this tree of dirs:

  ├── local
  └── nvim

~/test/nvim contian init.vim or init.lua ~/test/local` contian plug manager as Packer/Plug/Vundel

  • Sync plugin for first time by run config file init.lua or init.vim
nvim ~/TEST-Cris/nvim/init.lua  

Seconde time:

  • run ~/file.txt for example:

without alias

export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=~/test ;export XDG_DATA_HOME=~/test/local; nvim ~/file.txt 

with alias

with alias is fast , you should be add to .bashrc or ...

  • alias vi
alias vi='export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=~/test ;export XDG_DATA_HOME=~/test/local; nvim' 
  • run ~/file.txt for example:
vi ~/file.txt